Eloro Resources Further Expands Major Silver Zone Intersecting 151.47 g Ag/t over 135m within a broader interval of 309m grading 90.92 g Ag/t in the Latest Definition Drilling at its Iska Iska Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

Eloro Resources
The high grade intersection above from hole DSB-75 includes 962.23 g Ag/t over 9.75m within a wider zone of 34.50m grading 440.09 g Ag/t which is the highest grade Ag intersection obtained thus far in drilling at Iska Iska. Hole DSB-75 was collared 200m northwest of previously...
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Eloro Resources Further Expands Major Tin Zone with Significant Tin Intersections Highlighted by 49.5m grading 0.55% Sn within 91.5m grading 0.34% Sn in its Definition Drilling Program at its Iska Iska Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

Eloro Resources
This hole DSB-74, located 100m southeast of discovery hole DSB-72, contains a second long deeper intersection of 103.5m grading 0.31% Sn including 28.5m grading 0.44% Sn. High grade tin mineralization in Holes DSB-74 and discovery hole DSB-72 occurs as visible coarse-grained high temperature cassiterite which is likely to...
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Eloro Resources Opens Up Major Tin Zone Intersecting 33m grading 1.39% Sn within 87m grading 0.74% Sn in its Definition Drilling Program at its Iska Iska Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

Eloro Resources
Tin mineralization is hosted in an extensive intrusion breccia unit (TIB) that is approximately 750m long by 450m wide and extends to a depth of at least 700m. Previous wide space reconnaissance drilling has intersected a number of significant Sn intersections in this breccia unit...
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Eloro Resources Continues to Intersect Long Intervals of High-Grade Silver-Tin Polymetallic Mineralization in its Definition Drilling Program at its Iska Iska Deposit, Potosi Department, Bolivia

Eloro Resources
Hole DSB-69 intersected 127.49g Ag/t, 0.50% Zn, 0.16% Pb and 0.31% Sn (193.00g Ag eq/t) over 41.25m within a broader interval of 49.71g Ag/t, 0.78% Zn, 0.32% Pb and 0.15% Sn (106.97g Ag eq/t) over 142.50m. Hole DSB-70 intersected, 45.71g Ag/t, 3.11% Zn, 1.91% Pb and 0.23% Sn (232.35g...
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