Discussing mining stocks that were requested as well as some investing theory: Eloro Resources, Goliath Resources, Tombill Mines, Defiance Silver, Irving Resources, Cartier Iron TIMESTAMP: 0:00 Sentiment and investing 9:40 Eloro Resources 17:01 Goliath Resources 23:55 Defiance Silver 28:40 Irving Resources 32:55 Tombill Mines 36:55...
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Goliath (GOT.V): Identifies New Outcropping Au-Cu-Ag Bullseye Porphyry Zone at Its Luckystrike Property, British Columbia

Bullseye Zone Porphyry Target Highlights: Porphyry mineralization including up to 3.06 g/t Au, 54.9 g/t Ag and 1% Cu combined with porphyry textures and mineralization (including chalcopyrite and bornite) within potassically-altered coarse-grained intrusive units were confirmed on surface during the 2021 season. An accompanying infographic is...
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Crescat Gets Activist on Gold & Silver #49 – Metals Creek Resources Update (MEK.V, TBR.V, GOT.V, LAB.V, FFOX.V, PEX.V, NFG.V etc))

Please find accompanying presentation slides here:… Crescat Gets Activist on Gold & Silver #49 Dr. Quinton Hennigh does a review of $MEK 24:40, Updates: $GOT 35:41, $NFG 40:34, $LAB 43:10, $FFOX 45:00, $BLLG 52:2, $RPX 55:18, $TBR 58:10, $HAN 59:25, $PEX 1:01:18
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Goliath (GOT.V): Drills 21.72 Meters* of Quartz-Sulphides Veining and Brecciation 1,000 Meters Down Dip From the Northeast Showing at Surebet Zone, Golden Triangle B.C.

All 24 completed drill holes drilled intersected significant widths of quartz-sulphides veining demonstrating the robust nature of the Surebet Polymetallic Gold-Silver Zone (“Surebet”) that remains open both along strike and to depth. A total of 5,332 meters were drilled in the maiden 2021 drill campaign...
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Goliath (GOT.V): Drills 32.6 Meters* of Extensive Quartz-Sulphide Mineralization From the Waterfall Showing at Surebet Zone, Golden Triangle B.C.

All 23 diamond drill holes completed to date totaling 4,391 meters have intersected significant widths of quartz-sulphides veining along the entire 1,000 meters strike length demonstrating the robust nature of the Surebet polymetallic Gold-Silver Zone that remains open both along strike and to depth. At...
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