Iska Iska, Eloro’s (ELO.T) massive silver/lead/zinc/tin discovery in Bolivia is heading towards a PEA for its starter pit. 35,000 tons a day of high-grade silver with a significant zinc component. With a little more definition drilling there should be a tin component as well. Speaking with Tom Larsen, Eloro’s CEO, it’s very clear that the PEA is well in hand.

“We’re looking at Q2 2025 for a 35,000 ton per day PEA,” said Larsen. “Most of the PEA is complete now. But we’d like to do around like to do around 5000 to 10000 meters of additional drilling. That should give us a very commercial resource initially for a solid 12 year mine life for the PEA.”

“We want to drill enough so that we can confirm around 30 million tons of 0.3 tin to be included in Years 6, 7 and 8 in the PEA,” said Larsen. “As it stands we are looking at a 3.5 year payback on a 500 million CAPEX at current metal prices.”

“We’re focused on the PEA,” said Larsen. “However, in the short term we are looking at going in a different direction. We’d like to put a ramp in.”

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