Adrian Day of Adrian Day Asset Management shares his latest thoughts on gold and gold stocks. In his view, even though the setup for gold equities is “perfect,” most western investors don’t yet see reasons to get involved. That’s because — particularly in the US — there’s a belief that the economy and stock market are strong, inflation is under control and the Trump administration will be able to make all of these elements even better.

One thought on “Adrian Day: Gold Stock Setup is “Perfect,” Waiting on the West

  1. Warren says:

    So smart money investing comes from Central Banks and Eastern countries when physical gold is involved. With gold hitting all time highs and mining being unstable in many countries today, majors will still be acquiring large deposits held by junior’s regardless of retail investors absence. No surprise the Western retail investor is back in deep into that worthless risk on market again.

    Wish I knew when this all ends but one can honestly say it will………

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