Below is the current Top #15 (out of some 30-35 holdings) of the longer term, HODL-portfolios I manage for family members (as of Feb 26, 2025):
A few new companies have been bought/sold but a lot of it is just the share prices changing weighting (which changes if they are in the top #15).
West Point Gold (new holding) has replaced West Red Lake Gold in the top #15. Hannan Metals has overtaken Headwater to make it into the top #15 as well.
- Magna Mining
- First Nordic Metals
- Homerun Resources
- Integra Resources
- Goliath Resources
- Cerro De Pasco
- Sierra Madre Gold & Silver
- West Point Gold
- Mawson Gold
- District Metals
- Inflection Resources
- Snowline Gold
- Hannan Metals
- Western Alaska
- Altamira Gold
Below is the current Top #15 (out of some 30-35 holdings) of the longer term, HODL-portfolios I manage for family members (as of Jan 23, 2025):
A few new companies have been bought/sold but a lot of it is just the share prices changing weighting (which changes if they are in the top #15).
i-80 has fallen out of the top 15 and a relatively new holding has taken its place (Sierra Madre).
- Magna Mining
- First Nordic Metals
- Homerun Resources
- Integra Resources
- Goliath Resources
- Cerro De Pasco
- Sierra Madre Gold & Silver
- West Red Lake Gold
- Mawson Gold
- District Metals
- Inflection Resources
- Snowline Gold
- Headwater Gold
- Western Alaska
- Altamira Gold
Below is the current Top #15 of the HODL-portfolios (as of Sept 12, 2024):
A few new companies have been bought (Cerro)/sold but a lot of it is just the share prices changing weighting (which changes if they are in the top #15).
- Magna Mining
- First Nordic Metals
- Homerun Resources
- Integra Resources (Florida Canyon)
- West Red Lake Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Inflection Resources
- Snowline Gold
- Headwater Gold
- Western Alaska
- i-80 Gold
- Cerro De Pasco
- Mawson Gold
- Altamira Gold
- District Metals
Below is the current Top #15 of the HODL-portfolios (as of May 15, 2024):
A few new companies have been bought/sold but a lot of it is just the share prices changing weighting. Red Pine crashed and has been replaced with Homerun Resources.
- Magna Mining
- First Nordic Metals
- Snowline Gold
- Headwater Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Western Alaska
- i-80 Gold
- Eloro Resources
- Homerun Resources
- Condor Resources
- Mawson Gold
- Altamira Gold
- Inflection Resources
- District Metals
- Stillwater Critical Minerals
Below is the current Top #15 of the HODL-portfolios (as of April 10, 2024):
A few new companies have been bought/sold but a lot of it is just the share prices changing weighting…
- Magna Mining
- First Nordic Metals
- Snowline Gold
- Headwater Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Western Alaska
- i-80 Gold
- Eloro Resources
- Red Pine Exploration
- Condor Resources
- Mawson Gold
- Altamira Gold
- Inflection Resources
- District Metals
- Stillwater Critical Minerals
Below is the current Top #15 of the HODL-portfolios (as of Dec 19, 2023):
- Magna Mining
- Snowline Gold
- Headwater Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Western Alaska
- Tectonic Metals
- Eloro Resources
- Red Pine Exploration
- Condor Resources
- Hercules Silver
- Altamira Gold
- Inflection Resources
- Nevada King
- Fireweed Metals
The High Risk/High Reward Gamblore Portfolio
The general idea:
Below is the current Top #15 of the HODL-portfolios (as of Jan 29, 2023):
- Magna Mining
- Snowline Gold
- i-80 Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Western Alaska
- Tectonic Metals
- Eloro Resources
- Brixton Metals
- Montage Gold
- Pacific Ridge
- Dolly Varden Silver
- Kenorland Minerals
- Nevada King
- Fireweed Metals
Below is the current Top #10 of the HODL-portfolios (as of Nov 29, 2022):
- Magna Mining
- Snowline Gold
- i-80 Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Western Alaska
- Tectonic Metals
- Eloro Resources
- Brixton Metals
- Montage Gold
- Pacific Ridge
Below is my current Top #10 (as of Sept 20, 2022):
- Snowline Gold
- Eskay Mining
- Goliath Resources
- Magna Mining
- Eloro Resources / Cartier Iron
- Pacific Ridge
- Western Alaska
- Jazz Resources
- Novo Resources
- Lion One Metals
… Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean they are the 10 best risk/reward cases that I know of currently.
Below is the current Top #15 of the HODL-portfolios (as of Aug 31, 2023):
- Magna Mining
- Snowline Gold
- Headwater Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Western Alaska
- Tectonic Metals
- Eloro Resources
- Brixton Metals
- Fathom Nickel
- Pacific Ridge
- Dolly Varden Silver
- Inflection Resources
- Nevada King
- Fireweed Metals
Below is my current Top #10 (as of July 15, 2022):
- Eskay Mining
- Snowline Gold
- Goliath Resources
- Eloro Resources / Cartier Iron
- Pacific Ridge
- Western Alaska
- Jazz Resources
- Novo Resources
- Mantaro
- Lion One Metals
… Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean they are the 10 best risk/reward cases that I know of currently.
Below is my current Top #5 (as of Dec 13. 2021):
- Eskay Mining
- Novo Resources
- Goliath Resources
- Eloro Resources / Cartier Iron
- FireFox Gold
… Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean they are the five best risk/reward cases that I know of currently.
Rest of the portfolio…
Gold Portion (in no particular order):
- Lion One Metals
- Cassiar Gold
- Idaho Champion
- Cabral Gold
- Nevada King
- Irving Resources
- NuLegacy Gold
- FireFox Gold
- Timberline Resources
- Prosper Gold
- Blue Thunder
- Ophir Gold
- Magna Gold
- Rokmaster Resources
- E2 Gold
- Glen Eagle
- Omai Gold Mines
- Enduro Metals
- White Gold Corp
- Kalamazoo Resources
- Blue Lagoon
- VanGold Mining
- Juggernaut Exploration
- Labrador Gold
- Signature Resources
- Tombill Mines
- Headwater Gold
- TriStar Gold
- Copaur Minerals
- Condor Resources
- Metals Creek
- New Found Gold
- Monarca Minerals
- Maritime Resources
- Altamira
- Monarch Mining
- Montage Gold
- StrikePoint Gold
Silver Portion (in no particular order):
- Dolly Varden Silver
- Defiance Silver
- Kuya Silver
- Golden Tag
- Mantaro
- Eloro Resources
Base Metal Portion (in no particular order):
- District Metals
- Inflection Resources
- Core Assets
- Deep-South Resources
- Alpha Exploration
- Blackwolf Copper & Gold
- Western Alaska
Rare Earth Elements
- Defense Metals
- Magna Mining
… I think I got all of them but I might have forgotten one or two.
Note: This is not investment advice!
Note: I have a high risk tolerance. Always do you own due diligence. This is NOT investment advice. Novo Resources, Eskay Mining and Lion One Metals are sponsors of mine. This list is sporadically updated.