Mining Education

Quotes I remind myself of:

“Give me free optionality and I’ll make you a millionaire” – Pierre Lassonde

“Most people in the business don’t know how to value optionality.” – Pierre Lassonde

“We live in a world where optionality is not priced. It is not valued. And yet there is enormous value in optionality.” – Pierre Lassonde

“This is the easiest sector in the world because it always crashes and always rallies” – Pierre Lassonde

“The size of the prize, the cost of the test, and your chance of success”  – Craig Perry on exploration

“Money is made on the Micro” – Rick Rule

“I love circumstances when the shorts are against me” – Rick Rule

“Small mines have big risks and make small money. Big mines have big risks and make big money.” – Rick Rule

Below are some education videos and articles for investors who wants to learn more about geology, mining and what to think about as a mining equity investor…

Investing in Junior Miners

General Investing Theory

Resources on exploration

Presentations by economic geologist Brent Cook:

Presentations by economic geologist Joe Mazundar:

Interviews with Pierre Lassonde

Presentations by economic geologist Quinton Hennigh


Junior investing experts

Rick Rule

Investing in general

Discovery Stories

Mining Stories

About Metals

About Mining

Drilling methods:

Mining methods

Exploration and Resource Estimation


Different Ore Deposits:


Top Discovery Returns in 6 months


Cost of a Mill – Source


Discoveries are getting deeper –  Low hanging fruit gone (Source)




The discovery sequence at Cadia: